Sunday, August 21, 2016

You're still my baby....

It's 10pm and Anthony has been sleeping in his crib for about two hours or so, and I just did what was probably the biggest "no, no"of all time.  I went in and picked up my perfectly sleeping, non fussing, sweet dreaming baby.  

I picked him up....and cuddled him.  

I did it because.....

he's still my baby, after all....

I feel like all day we are pushing him to move, pushing him to sit, getting him to eat, pressure on his arm, massages, crossing mid line, etc, etc!  He gets six therapies a week... SIX!  

I am in constant will he catch up, when will he catch up, will he catch up?!!?!?

It's tough.

Babies are sitting, crawling, standing, walking all around us.  

He will get there.

He will.

So, for now, why not bask in those extra baby cuddles he is willing to give me?