Wednesday, April 20, 2016

More than just a word. To Mrs. Rayburn on her Birthday


In the past I never really, truly understood why people had attachments to words.  I mean, I have "live, love, laugh" trinkets and signs hanging in my house.  But, I never really "got it"....until now.

When I was in high school we did many breast cancer walks for my best friend's mother Mrs. Rayburn <3.  There is one walk in particular I will never forget.  I was a sophomore in high school and Mrs. Raybrun was in remission.  My friends and I were at an overnight breast cancer walk and  in the middle of the night they had the ceremony with the  luminaries all lit up in the form of one word... HOPE.

I remember thinking it was beautiful.  And that was that.

But what I'll never forget, is how Mrs. Rayburn was attracted to it.  She didn't walk away for the longest time.  She held her daughter and together they silently stared at the word...HOPE.

I now know exactly what she was doing in that moment.

She was hoping.

Hoping for continued health?  Hoping for her friends and family?  Hoping for a cure?  I don't know for sure.....

But I just know.......

She had HOPE.

Happy birthday lovely lady.  Thank you for inspiring me to have HOPE, even in my darkest days.

I love you.

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