Thursday, April 7, 2016


When I think of an intensive care unit, I think of visiting my grandparents after they've had a major surgery.  Those are the only times I've ever been to an ICU..

So, when you are living in the PICU with your 8month old, everything changes.

Your perspective on life, your children, your friends, your family...


You are siting at your child's bedside watching the monitors and waiting for nurses.  You are hoping and praying that everything will be OK with your child.

And you just know that in the hallway, every other parent is doing the same thing.

That realization came to us when we walked down the hallway.  When the visitor limit is 2 and we see a room filled with family members, we know it's not good.  Hovering over a bedside, curtain closed.  And then we look over and there he is.  A large african american man, crying his eyes out...

And our hearts sink for them.

And it puts everything into perspective.

We aren't out of the woods yet, but we are getting there.

Our doctors are saying Anthony looks Fantastic and should make a full recovery since it was caught early.  

It's bad, but it could be worse...

it could always be worse....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sending you a great big hug and spiritually holding your hand through this. I am happy to read that the doctors are saying he'll make a full recovery. Good job Anthony!! ~Gina
